If a parent is unreachable during the enrolment season at a top CBSE school in Yamuna Nagar , there are a few things you can do: Provide contact information for an alternative guardian: If possible, provide the school with contact information for another trusted adult who can act as a guardian and make decisions on your behalf. This could be a family member, friend, or someone else you trust. Leave power of attorney: If you will be unreachable for an extended period of time, you may want to consider leaving a power of attorney with the school. This will allow someone you designate to make decisions on your behalf in regard to your child's education. Leave a letter of consent: If you are unable to be present at the school in person, you can write a letter of consent indicating your approval for your child to enroll in the school. This letter should be signed and dated and can be provided to the school as a substitute for your personal signature. Keep in touch with the school: Make...